Em.. I've been busy for almost two weeks. Just after my trip to Kuching.. the Christmas was coming and continued by some official work.. work.. and works....
What happened all this year? Hem... just a simple review with my simple life
January...hem...what happen?
Feb... ish...
Mac... aaa.....
April... Happy 13th birthday to lil sis
May... What?
June... Gawai...
July... em....
August.. Happy birthday to me
September... Happy birthday to mum
Oct.. Happy birthday Fred
Dec... Eh... end of the year?
What is my AZAM for 2006? A simple one
I want to upgrade myself in any perspective... I respect others' life and I want them to respect me as what I am.
Happy New Year everyone... God's grace be with you...
Courage: The weapon i get through 2015
9 years ago