Clear water from unwanted wastes, toxic and other harmful chemicals.
On the 22nd-23rd April 2005, the Science and Maths Board organized a camp for the students at the Julau River, 10 minutes walk from our school. Around 120 students and teachers participated.
22nd April 2005
2:30pm - students wait at the school canteen. After a short brief from the camp commander, they walked to the campsite with their bags, bantal busuk, baldi etc..etc... macam nak pindah rumah je. 3.30pm - I still in the school compound, waiting for our 'nurse' to give me the first aid box. 4.00pm - I drove to boy's house and parked my car there. Turun sungai tengok2 cikgu yang sibuk buat khemah. Manalah pelajar aku ni... 4.15pm - Aku cakap kat student aku, kalau tak nak tolong cikgu buat khemah, mereka boleh tumpang tidur dengan jiran sebelah (seberang sungai tu kubur)
The 'urusetia' and teacher busy preparing place to sleep.
5.00pm - Chung Mee and I asked the girl students to take their bath. 6.00pm - I went back to my 'apartment'. Doctor reminds me not to 'play' with the cold water so I have to take my bath at home. 7.00pm - The students prepared for their groups' gimic and logo. My group called themselves Biodiversity. Tengok gurunyalah.
9.00pm- Student sibuk buat persembahan keliling unggun api, guru-guru pulak sibuk bergambar dan main-main dengan api especially Pian.
Campfire...tak pasti la tangan sapa tu...
10.00pm - Yakup, Hendry and Mr Sigai went for a fishing. 11.00pm - BBQ.
Eating the freshwater fish. (Mr Isup -our camp commander with the torchlite on the head)
23rd April 2005
2.00am - Sleep...Aku tak balik sebab takda guru perempuan yang tinggal di campsite. 3.00am - Aku terbangun dengar bunyi bot di luar. Orang kampung tengah bebatak sebab air sungai agak cetek 5.30am - I went back to my apartment with Pian (Pian balik rumah Yakupla). 6.00am - I drove to Sarikei...hantar student kuiz di Sarikei High School. 2.30 pm - Next activity... explorace.... hahaha 4.30 pm - Peserta rakit sampai... kita tumpang sekaki bergambar atas rakit. 5.00pm - balik sekolah & tido!!!!
hm.. you drive or me?
Hehehe... both of us drive. kihkihkih... jangan mare.
Masih juak nya dengan prawn nya ya........
Syazwan kirim salam ngan udang kau.
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