I plan to buy myself a land... Want to know why? With this kind of job and my own desire (beautiful clothes, makeup, perfume, car, digital cam etc) I need more income... What should I do? What did I learned during my tertiary days? Direct selling? No..no..no..no (Spicegirls) Language barier... so hampeh my languages... Modelling? Ceh... ada ati...
Since I'm the Science (Resource of Biology) Degree holder... I'm quite good in farming.. trust me. My first step... I plant maize(s), kailans, longbeans..etc etc... since Chen wants to eat pineapple, may be should plant more pineapples.
Anyway... after thinking for so long... what a modern farmer should wear? The pics shows some of the stuff that I plan to wear... need your opinion hah...
The shoes...
Farmers always wear this (trademark)
Inside ( That one a bit transparent especially when sweating so need something to cover)
Green or red?
So hot... need some anti-aging stuff...
Uiyoo... ya pakei ko jadi petani berkaliber ke, jadi model kat kebun? hehehehehhe
Aku combine suma kegemaranku menjadi satu... hehehe...
wah.. really modern leh this farmer :D
By the way, sorry to tell u that u have been tagged... Have fun answering the questions & pass it on...
Hippie farmer!
you even blog about your almost bought new land aaa....got the land title already..
So, which one better? Green or red?
red :)
better find baju sleeveless yg less 'ranggi' or you'll regret having that darn stain on your baju. pakei jak baju lama sikit :)
-nasihat dari buruh kebun paksa -
aiyoo hehe girls will always be girls. i like red!!
then again, ur shirt so nice wear in the farm worth it ah? =)
i dont really like to go to the farm. alot of NYAMUKKK... but i wont mind during durian season
u were from science miri? i was from stjoe miri before.. ohh i miss miri..
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