After leaving the tertiary education few years ago... I left 90% of my knowledge behind. Tonite I open all my notes, assignments, proposals, projects etc etc... Wah... I keep on asking myself. Did I learn this before?
I miss my time doing all the fieldtrips or research with my friends... One of the most unforgettable moment in my life is during final year when i was doing my research for my final year project. I was under the supervision of Dr. Lee Nyanti. Every Tuesday we will do the water sampling at the tiger prawn ponds in Matang. We went there around 8 am and will be finished before 12pm. Rushed back to analyse the samples in the lab... finish around 6-7 pm. To be continued on the next day... Analysing the TSS, BOD, bla bla bla... wah... I can't remember... *sigh*.
Hua...!!! Someday... I need to refresh it back. My brain already berkarat...

Dr. Lee and I doing the sampling...
Water Quality in Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) Pond
Kata kunci : Peaneus monodon, kualiti air, udang harimau, nutrien.
Kajian kualiti air dijalankan di kolam penternakan udang harimau, P. monodon di Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, Telaga Air, Matang. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualiti air kolam sepanjang tempoh pengkulturan. Air kolam disampel setiap minggu pada kedalaman 1/3 daripada dasar kolam dan bagi setiap kolam terdapat 3 titik persampelan. Nilai suhu, pH, kemasinan, oksigen terlarut dan kejernihan air diukur secara in-situ manakala nutrien, TSS dan BOD5 dianalisis di makmal. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kepekatan nitrat, nitrit, nilai BOD5 dan TSS semakin meningkat manakala nilai kemasinan dan kejernihan air menurun dengan peningkatan jangkamasa. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa parameter air mempengaruhi antara satu sama lain. Peningkatan suhu dan pH menyebabkan peningkatan kepekatan ammonia total. Kehadiran plankton menyebabkan nilai larutan pepejal terampai meningkat dan nilai kejernihan air berkurang. Kepekatan ammonia total berkadar secara songsang dengan kepekatan nitrat. Secara keseluruhan, kualiti air bagi kolam P.monodon tersebut adalah baik. Walau bagaimanapun, adalah penting untuk mengawal kesemua parameter air bagi mendapatkan kualiti air yang baik sepanjang pengkultuaran.
Keywords: Penaeus monodon, water quality, tiger prawn, nutrient.
Studies on the water quality of tiger shrimp P. monodonMalaysia, Telaga Air, Matang. The aim of this study was to determine the pond water quality throughout the whole culture period. Samples were collected weekly at depth 1/3 from the bottom of the pond and three sampling points were choosen for each pond. Parameters such as temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen and water tranperancy were measured in-situ but the concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, TSS and BOD5 were analyzed in the labarotory. Research showed that the concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, TSS and BOD5P.monodon ponds was good. However, it is important that all the water parameters should be controlled to achieve the best water quality result throughout the whole culture period. ponds were carried out at Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan increased but salinity and water transparency decreased as culture period progress. Results of this study shows that water parameter influences one another. An increase in temperature and pH also caused an increase in total ammonia concentration. The presence of planktons caused an increased in total suspended solid concentration and decreased in water transparency. Higher concentration of total ammonia caused a decreased in concentration of nitrate. The overall water quality of these
funny how our brain can work well during uni time then after that, not that functionable anymore. i know i cant write proper report anymore or essay. so sad!
Hehehe... our brain can work more harder and better on the last day before we hand in the assignment.
When one is under stress, he/she can do lotsa "extra ordinary" things, hehe...
Well, we all get older day by day...
Anyway, u r still young mah.. at least u are younger than me :D
You're still wearing that windbreaker after all these years?
Macam pengawas Sainsri ajak..
jot..that pic taken on 2001 la... now is 2005... u still remember la memori ko
hello grace.
i'm syaz from kuala terengganu. I berminat utk membaca kajian yang you buat tentang water quality kat fish pond tu. if you don't mind boleh tak email me the full version artikel tu to tq so much..
p/s: sgt berminat n berharap... 2nd year student, ur junior...dr lee teaching us coral reef ecology now...
hope u can giv some advice to us...
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