What a busy week… *sigh* Last Tuesday, the singer, W and I went to town… my car can’t start but the singer manages to start it with his own skill. We went to Jabatan Perangkaan as they want all the penganggur to register there. I just accompanied them but the officer seem like he didn’t believe me when I said, I have a permanent job already. What? Look so young for that is it? Thank you…
Oh ya!!! Met Mr R and Miss J at Jabatan Pendaftaran… Got ya!!! Hehehe… well, no need to tell you guys what they are doing there… something good la… Makan free again this coming holiday. Yahuuu!!!!
After finish doing all the business with the 4pm office (they suppose to close at 5.00pm but normally they’ll close at 4.00pm and even worst before 4)… sent my car for service. Want to drop the singer and W at town so that they won’t wait for me but as they are so manja.. takut kena kidnap, they followed me.
We had our luncner (lunch + dinner) around 4.30pm. It’s quite late actually and we still have lot of things to do before go back to Pakan. After luncner, we split up to save our time. W went shopping at Ngiu Kee while the singer and I went to Millenium Bookstore, looking for some magazines and books. Then, while waiting for the singer to call his manager, W and I at the Sarikei Square, previously Tamu Sarikei.

Lots of colourful light at nite and the water splashing everywhere... can mandi free...

Good place for
dating relaxing
Wednesday evening C entered my room while I’m sleeping. Wargh!!!! She really surprised me… She ask for help to ‘pecah masuk’ her house because she forgot her key inside. With a ‘blur-blur’ emotion I followed her to her house with some special equipments to open the door. Less than 5 minutes she entered her house and the door still in a good condition. Hehehe… banggalah tek…
7pm, badminton time!!! Guess what? The car can't start once again so A drove us to the Dewan Masyarakat. We played until 9pm. S and I won the first game against the singer and JB. Macam mana itu mix double boleh kalahkan itu men double? Another game, the UNIMAS team lost against the USM team that nite... (to be continued)...
Thursday...? Em... oh ya... borrowed H's car to see the car's doc (mekanik la...) at Pakan town. Went back home after the car got the medicine.

The view of Pakan town from the main road.
Friday... drove dad's car to Pakan... normally I need 1 hour to reach Pakan but since Mum prepared me a breakfast... its quite late when I left home... Apa lagi... speed la... less than 45 minutes I reached Pakan.
Em.. i know my language sound teribble today... aiyah!!! just close ur eyes okay? busy bah...