Last week, on Friday... I joined the Dengue Campaign in Pakan. Haiya...lazy to write the report, just see some pictures here k?
They gave us free t-shirt (em... one of the reason I want to come...) THANK YOU!
Everyone busy....
All the rubbish in Pakan Town including the dead leaves... Sikit je... This town is clean actually... Kenapa? Tak percaya? Come over la...
So, u get a free t shirt liao.... kekeke...
you better turn on your keyword protection.. spam spam.. rajin la. i remember when younger used to follow the school to those kinda events. "cintai lah sungai kita" kempen to get out of school and free shirts too hahah
Fred: hate this spam...
Chrissie : Apa lagu temanya tek? Hehehe....
I see u turn on the word verification thingy now :)
Heheh... chen, ya lo... since that stupid spam keep on promoting...
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