Em... school day is over for some school... Now, the students are having their 2 months holiday. Teachers? Em..its hard for them to say its a long holiday as there are some other works to do during this holiday. Some schools especially the boarding school still need the teachers (warden) to take care of the Form 5 students as they still sitting for their SPM.
Here are some feedbacks from the parents when the school holiday is about to start
1. My kids can help me to tap the rubber
2. Ish... they will make me headache
3. I want them to stay at school the whole year.
4. We'll having a vacation...
No 1 & 4... parents are happy when their kids are on holiday. I'm not goin to talk about this no 1 and 4 type of parent but I'm looking forward for this 2 & 3.
Parents.... look in this way. 3-10 kids at home during the holiday is fun. Even the teachers, handling more than 20 kids with 20 different type of attitudes in one class still can enjoying themselves... trust me. If ur kids can make u headache just in a short time.. think back... the teacher?????
Appreciate ur children's teacher.... hehehe... they help u a lot in reducing ur stress. Dont forget to show ur appreciation during the teacher's day as well. Teach ur kids to respect their teacher as teacher teaches ur kids to respect their parents.
Some parents always pointing their fingers to the teachers for any mistake did by their children because they forgot one thing... learning are begin from home.
My son failed his Science exam, his teacher can't teach... Wah...sukati jak mulut sebut... How about this questions?
1. Did you buy extra workbook or notebook to your son, sir/madam?
2. Did you check whether they finish their Science homework?
3. Do you know that starting from 2003.. Science are taught in English?
Wanna wish all my teachers a Happy Holiday...

1994 - With our class teacher, Mr. Rashid