Sabah? I love the environment in Sabah, the poeples (handsome and beautiful..fuh!!!) and some of my friends also staying there. This pics was taken in Sabah during my training session under the supervision of Wildlife Department.
Location Lok Kawi Zoological and Botanical Garden. This pic was taken by our sifu, En. Jubius, the WD staff.
The orang utan in Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre... one of the most precious memory I ever had....
The South's peak just behind me...
Finally, we conquered the Low's peak after 8 hours walking, talking, sitting, drinking, eating, and the most important thing... taking photos and enjoyin the nature.
I haven't been to Sabah yet.. :(
Will surely go there one day later on in the future :)
I like Mount Kinabalu because of it's highest peak, hehe...Beautiful, especially when you hike to the peak early in the morning, i've never seen so many stars before!!! Even a not so romantic person will become romantic? :p
Maybe i'll go back again next year. There's much to do, see, explore and experience! Your post will surely help! Or it will drags me to Sarawak instead...:)
tag me along also ya :P
and i saw the hornbill pix :P
Chen : make sure u climb the mount kinabalu at least once...
Low : The stars..yes, its so romantic...then the sunrise... em..can't explain the feeling... come over to sarawak and visit the mulu cave....
Jellyfish : have u been to KK?
nope. havent set my feet on the EAST yet. hopefully can do so pretty soon.
why leh? still afraid with the head hunters? hehehe... my uncle still have the skull...
must be fun out there. haven't been to GK before. One fine day perhaps.
must build up my stamina first before climbing Mt Kinabalu :D
I'm more interested on the skull than Mulu cave, to be honest :) Looks like we don't share the same childhood game, hehe...(just joking! :p)
Yea, why not. Someday, Gua Mulu!
agus : no joke...its fun!!!!
chen : em... u should or else u cant reach the top. And the must important thing..semangat kena mau kuat...
Low : 3 days trip to see the pinnacle...
the hornbill got this depth of field.. so nice.. I wonder what SLR he use...
waaa.. mt. kinabalu. interested. but sadly duno when :(
Ei... I see hornbills wor... just as Dr Chen said, here got hornbills to see.
jellyfish... tell us when u climb the mount...
day dreamer... watch out for another pics...
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