Training session with the Under 18 Boy at Felcra Lubuk Sireh
A view from Felcra Lubuk Sireh...
Sarawak team
I'm so proud of them...
Went back to Sarawak last Friday. After class on Sunday I went back to Sarikei and Monday morning... before the sun rise I went back to Pakan. I'm looking forward a peaceful holiday with someone special... heh... nonsense...
The road condition to Pakan District
I'm goin back to Pakan tommorow morning for sports training.... *sigh* Sorry for my English.
wahh im proud of the students too! go sarawak hehe..agik idup agik ngelaban
Enjoy your holiday then! And what can I say, training sounds whole lot better than, uh-hu, meeting? :p
wah, the road condition that bad arr?
because of election? hehe
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