hm... there s a lot of stories to tell... Thanks to chris for calling me yesterday. I miss you too... Thanks also to some of Kuching bloggers for your call and sms. Not forgotten my Sarikei friends, Mary, Christine, Wong Li Ho, Sula, Tony L, Rahim Geng etc etc (mun aku lupa nama sory lah... tengah ngantuk menaip tok).
I did celebrate Chap Go Meh with my cousin at Riveria last Saturday (advance) and maybe I can call it as house warming also... hehehe....
Aduh... so sleepy... ermm... some pics for you just to let you know what happen to me all this while...
Albert's engagement day. This is the first time I attend the Dusun's and they have the 'hantaran' for the girl. I'm holding one of it...
The Bajau's wedding...while everyone is busy with the groom and bride, I'm busy with the horse... hahaha... Sorry la Ida...
The modern Iban's wedding... saja aku nak sabotaj orang yang baju putih tu...
Isk3x... on my way to Kuching... (masa nak pindah la ni)
Be brave grace... u r not alone... wawawa...
Hai... nama kamek Bubles... kamek sayang menar ngan Grace
Kamek pun sayang ngan Grace. Kamek suka makan pau. Nama kamek Panda Kepul.
Sayaaannggg Grace... Nama kamek Pikor Tabun. Kamek suka minum susu.
Hei.. ciu mat anak ukor nuan..:P I also got one two days ago. Will update & show u later. My camera with my sister now. Love dogs a lot!
whoa! u've been missing for ages. seronok gilak d kch ka grace? hehehe... dun b noty2 a... tkecre.. GOD bess!
Li Ho... my puppies cute becoz the owner also cute...
Lin... lebih seronok dari d tempat lama. hehehe
Ibi kah jadi bridesmaid nyak?
hehehe..legi nuan asuh Ibi 'get lost'..hehe
I miss u la Beb...nadai geng makai2 lawak bodo ku gik...
new principal at my place, new things happening at workplace (so far +ve la bagi aku lain aku sik tauk)...
Beb... i miss the time we story2 our students... so far i havent meet scan colour... hehehe..
When are you coming to Kuch? Already isi ka that form beb? welcome to Kch in advance
belum isi d form la..hehe...i checked d online form, wahlau, so intimidating la..
right now terlampau busy also since new pengetua bah...hehe
bah, u miss miss 'scan kaler' izit?
confirm i go kch in april. just for d weekend lah.haha
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