10:15am lil sis finished her class. Both of us went to one coffee shop near the Tamu (Fred likes the kolo mee here very much).
The conversation between lil sis and the coffeeshop girl...
CS Girl : Minum apa?
Lil sis : Fresh barley ada?
CS girl : Tidak ada
Lil sis : Wheatgrass?
CS girl : Ada
Lil sis : Bagi saya air cincau
CS girl : sabar jak aku (dalam hati)
Me : Why dont you just ask for air cincau?
Lil sis : Hehehe....
Well, this is what I had for my breakfast this morning....
Teh-C Peng.... (tea + milk + ice cube)
Kolo Mee which cost me RM2.20 (Not sure this one considered as expensive or cheap but the taste ... yummy!!!)
I spent RM 7.20 for 2 kolo mee, 1 teh-C peng and 1 cincau this morning. Okay... that's all... enjoy your weekend... ta.. ta..
Wah Lau... RM2.20 for that sive of mangkuk, kira cheap lah. Here in Penampang, satu pinggan leper dengan mee and daging yang sikit jak... oredi cost me about RM3.50! Kira cheap lah that!!!! Look tasty... make me hungry again!!! Ahaks...
hahhaha... your lil sis very cheeky woh.. want to order air cincau only but ask so many questions :P
err... kolo mee nowaday dah RM2.20 oledi? I don't like kolo mee (cos too oily lah...), but I like kam pua mee :D
Kadus... kolo mee tu sedap tau. Lama dah tak jalan di Penampang. Dulu selalu lepak di Dongongon (betul ka spelling nih?)
Chen..my sis memang like that. She looks innocent... Kolo mee RM2-2.50 but the kampua still below RM2.00
Miss America leaves Atlantic City
Jiminy Christmas, I can't keep track of all these pageants. Okay, I mentioned earlier that John O'Hurley is hosting the Mrs.
Wow, you have a good blog here! I'm going to bookmark you! I have a buy site/blog. It pretty much covers buy related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-) Tom
punek la me! eeeeeeee.. my fav teh si peng and kolomeeeeeeee... jeless eh
uinah grace...? ko pernah juga sampai sini... ahaks,... it's donggongon... dabel tu "g"! ahaks... tapi okay bah...
Chrissie... u just say...dake nek, not punek anymore.
kadus... Sia suda jalan2 sampai sana Lok Kawi... kerja sana dulu. Petang2 balik guna van yang macam bas dari sana Donggongon ke Lido.
1st 1st i thought what wrong that i get the picture,WTF
what a great way to fool your coffeshop gal...
now i miss kolo mee..
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