As I promise before, the story of Perjalanan Mencari Chenta (Mat’s idea) will be continued… Around 11am Mat and Jan reached at my house from Kabong. After lepak for about 1 hour (gelak-gelak tengok gambar lama from my album) we went to Sarikei to pick Sue up. Our next destination is Sibu. Called Ching Ching later.. ask her to get ready.
2 pm we arrived in Sibu… Ching still in Polyclinic… doing some volunteering job for the Special Olympic… Four of us join her for a while and took some pictures. She said she can’t go lepak with us but as usual… with our ‘kesian’ faces and of course we did ‘hasut’ her to ‘curi tulang’…
Ching brought us to the open air next to Premier Hotel… luckily Rin still shopping with her colleague somewhere near… so there was 6 of us… ex-Sainsrian… what a wonderful time after 8 years we left school.
Next… sent Ching back to Polyclinic coz her boss is looking for her… hehehe… Bye Ching… bye Rin…
Me, Jan, Mat and Sue went to Medan Mall and Kin Orient…. Looking for the DVD 9… Jan bought ONLY 1. Bagus beli di BANDARAYA jak….
6:30 pm… we separated at the Lanang Ferry junction. Me and Sue went back to Sarikei while Mat and Jan to Bintulu. They might come again this coming Friday together with Mac, Wan, Fara and Mas (Benarkah? Korang mauk red carpet ngan bunga manggar juak?)
all in grey...
The tallest girl in SMSM...
Gaji ribu-ribu.... nya cuma belanja ABC special jak... lalala... no lah... we took our lunch oredi... no place for food... Thanks to you Ching... jangan mare... (she's very nice - Cikgu Suhaimi)
At the same date, same time but different places, Perjalanan Mencari Chenta Kumpulan B explored the Niah Cave and Bekenu... Check this out... (thanks to Mas for the pics...and Mac)
Semuga bahagia ke anak cucu...
Memang ada gaya 'Mencari Chenta'
ABC... nearly forget this terminology liao lah.. Haven't use it for so long already.. Folks here in Penang or in Peninsular don't call it as ABC, they call it Ais Kachang instead ;)
here people called it ABC, cendol n candut...
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