Big cousin make a visit this morning and gave me something inside the reused Nescafe bottle. I guess I know the thing inside the bottle coz this fellow always give me funny funny things to eat... He's the one (not forgotten my dad) who teach me to eat exotic foods...

This is not the little chicken... their cousin in the Aves famliy

I call this Yummy Bird Soup

I dont know what kind of bird is this but I'm sure it's not the Protected Animal....

Yummy!!! It's so delicious....

Erk... finish oredi? Get another one.
aiyoh... Grace..
little birdie ah? :)
Now I'm hungry lah.. I haven't eat anything from the morning yet :P
Chen...cannot give u...finish oredi...
you get many visitors now ehhh... jeles owh... my readers drop already...
eeeh look so sedap. yumyum.. taste like quail ka?
fred... next time i do some promotion for u...
Chrissie... cant tell the difference... a bit like quail, a bit like chicken...
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