Friday, May 16, 2008

Teacher's Day

One of my ex-students sent me a message few days ago wishing me a happy teacher's day. Em... Me myself actually was not really excited or whatever u call it on celebrating teacher's day. Well, tell u my reasons

1. We are having our final exam in school so the exam mood everywhere... (kononnyalah)...
2. Our students does not show their excitement... macam cikgu ja yang lebih-lebih organise program untuk diri sendiri...

I still remember during my school days few years back, we.. the students ware very excited waiting for this day... I am quite disappointed with my students.

Tell u one more thing... two months before one of our 2007 SPM candidate sms me asking for help. She wanted to apply for teaching course in Institut Perguruan. I rushed to my pc and online for her. Since that day i have not listen any news from her but it's okay... okay bah... Last week she went to school but she did not greet me at all.... not even say thank you. I am quite surprise. Actually I was waiting for her to see me so that I can give her the printed online application. U see...

But not all la... I still remember theres one time I shop in Sibu. Then I heard someone calling
"Cikgu!!! Cikgu!!!" Of course I buat donno jer... Silap orang malu. Lots of teachers in Sibu during weekend... Then I heard " Cikgu Grace"... eh... that's my name. I forgot his name but I am proud of him... he still remember me as his coach.

Talking about coaching? Hm... I am not doing the coaching anymore... Any reason? Guess la.... heeee....

Anyway Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers in the Earth... May God bless you as you bless the others with your knowledge.


Chris Anakapai said...

Selamat Hari Guru to u too Grace...

Confirm when want to betunu..hehe

Chen said...

Happy Teacher's Day, Grace :)

I still remember my school teachers, although I left school for more than 15 years... :)

Mell_f said...

happy belated teacher's day!

|| -= n|ch0L45 =- || said...

Selamat Hari Cigu!!

hornbill said...

Thank you chris, chen, mell and nic...

Anonymous said...

hari guru tiba lagi,
Anak murid pening sekali,
Mencari hadiah membodedk hati,
Semoga lumayan hasil tahun ini. hehe...

Happy belated teacher's day!

daradesa said...

happy belated teacher's day grace..sori laun mimit..aku agi ingat enggau bala cikgu suba(the close one) tang bala cikgu enda ingat(org enda fofular bah) bakani nya neh hehe

Anonymous said...

I understand love cock fighting. maybe that why you hate cockfighting. ha ha ha