Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Another Story...

Friend of mine... he teach one subject in my class. Yesterday he gave me the 1st sem result for his subject and I was surprise when one of my missing student who didnt come to school about a month also get her mark. I ask him if the student came during the exam...Who knows? May be she likes his subject and come to sit for his exam only. I checked my class record and it shows that the student didnt come on that day...Em....???????

He asked me to ignore the mark, may be its just a mistake... but I know he will investigate. When I went to my class, I asked my students and they gave me that student's answer paper. How come? She really sit for his exam? Wow!!!!

I gave him back that answer sheet and few minutes later I heard he laughed... I think he discovered something...

(Note: last exam he also did the same thing to our colleague)

Another friend... checking the paper and asking himself... did I teach this to my students?

Question : Apakah tanda kebesaran diraja?
Student's answer : Gundik diraja

Question : Mengapakah Nabi Mohammad berhijrah ke Madinah?
Student's answer : Nabi Mohammad berhijrah ke Madiah kerana hendak mengerjakan haji.

I also experienced the same thing... last year. Questions about Green House effect but it was in BM.

Terangkan istilah Rumah Hijau?
Untuk tukang kebun sekolah menyimpan alat-alat seperti cangkul dan parang.

Apakah kesan Rumah Hijau di kawasan pantai?
Untuk menarik pelancong dengan bunga-bunga yang cantik.

Isk...isk...isk... sedihnya hatiku membaca jawapan seperti itu.


Fina Junaida said...

Hahahahaha bagus punya anak murid.
Cikgunya lagik la bagussssss

Are they really serious, or simply stoopeed?
I mean, Tanda Kebesaran Diraja = Gundik diraja.... mesti banyak gilak menonton cerita Cina/Korea tok.....

Cikgu, cuba baca tok lok: Adala pasal P. Monodon kegemaran kau ya

Chris Anakapai said...

Pengalaman sebenar sebagai Guru subjek Kimia...

Berikan satu contoh kegunaan Ferum (III) sulfat
untuk membuat gincu bibir


Belum lagi kira time mengajar BM kat sekolah majoriti Cina. Marking paper berbekalkan Panadol...

Anonymous said...

haha lucu lucu jawapan mereka. but then again, masa sekolah dulu we would wanna fill up the answer with any crap we can think of if one didnt study.


Anonymous said...


terangkan kegunaan rumah hijau;
>menyimpan cangkul, parang...

jawapan yang sangat bagus... dan bijak... sekurang2nya ada jawapan.


hornbill said...

Hehehe... student memang lawakla... mauk madah stooopeed gilak sik juak. For them, as long they write d answer, kira ok. Apa-apa sajalah...salin soalan balik pun dah kira tulis jawapan