Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I love photography but I dont have any oppurtunity to learn it formally. During my uni time, I did illegally attend some of the lecture in photography with my friend. There are only two reasons i did it...

1. My friend wants me to understand his field -everything related with art- ( I did... but its hard for him to understand my field -everything related with bio- ...nevermind... cerita basi already )

2. I love photography... with or without him, I still love this field.

Erk... this pic was taken yesterday at my former primary school.. dont ask me anything about the ISO, saturation, focus..bla..bla... I know nothing... hehehe.... Just enjoy the pics ok?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Image hosted by Photobucket.com


Anonymous said...

U mean u went to Mr. Nain's class?? He's such a cool lecturer.

hornbill said...

funny too... like his class...

Chen said...

Ooohhh.. I noticed someone is an illegal student in certain class :p
it's always good to learn more things & upgrade our knowledge..
Learning is a life long process..

Jellyfish said...

oh.. that is not too illegal la

enjoying what you enjoy to do and do it is the happiest :)

i suddenly find myself loving photgraphy more now too :P

@ロウ 。LOW@ said...

Bougainvillea vine on top and Ixora shrubs below, similar plants decorating my old school as well!

Now, something other than ISO, exposure, thingy - - understand your subjects :)

hornbill said...

Chen : everytime i attend the class, i wish the lec will never regconized me because i just come for the lec... never do the assignment.
Jellyfish : I know its not too illegal but i never register the subject... free knowlegde...hehehe...
Low : Em... u know the scientific name of the flowers... i guess u hv some experience in taxonomy... will learn more about photography ...

Jellyfish said...

keep it up :)


Anonymous said...

ha..ha.. sifu?? Sounds old, become mentor better, he.h.e... perasan pulak, haiyo paisey lah, if u ask me wat iso n stuff, i also dunno, i just point n shoot, last time in Mr. Nain's class, i almost fail the theory class,but nasib baik got practical yang tolong, anyway, will try my best if u got any enquiries.. :)

Anonymous said...

oopss, terjadi anonymous pulak, sori...

day-dreamer said...

Nice pictures.

I noticed I've taken an interest in photography lately. Wish I could sign up for a class.

hornbill said...

halamanku : how do u know we were at the same uni? konpius la....
Jellyfish : Thanks aaa...
Day dreamer : thanks... maybe we can share the knowledge... ceh... as if i know everything...